HackTheBox Writeup — Late
Hello Guys , I am Faisal Husaini. My username on HTB is “fa1sal” . Also join me on discord.
The IP of this box is
Port Scan / Enumeration
nmap -sC -sV -p- -Pn --min-rate=10000 -oN nmap
Way to User
Since we found Port 80 Open for Web, I checked the web part running on the machine
Scrolling down below, we found two hostnames, one on the text link and other on the support details, i.e, late.htb and images.late.htb
Adding the two hosts to my hosts files on my local kali
Accessing the images.late.htb host, we get a new webpage containing a file image upload which converts images to text and also looking closely it says that it uses Flask to do it
I am uploading a test image which contains some text to test how the functionality works
After uploading and scanning, the web downloads a text file and contains the text which was on the image, although from the test image which I uploaded had more text but the functionality couldn’t render it all
Since it uses Flask to convert the image to text so it gave me a hint to test for a potential SSTI, so I used an online text to image to create a payload for SSTI on an image
Now uploading the image created to the file upload
It downloads a new file as results.txt like before
From the output we can see that our SSTI payload worked and it got executed
So I created a new payload which will perform a remote code execution by running the id command
Getting the file, we can see our code execution worked successfully as we got the output for id command
Now modifying the payload to get a reverse shell and uploading the image
Checking back the netcat listener, we got the reverse shell successful
Getting the user flag from the home directory of the user
Way to Root
Running linpeas, I found some writeable paths
Also running PSPY, I noticed that the script ssh-alert.sh is running whenever someone connects with ssh
There was a same replica script on the user’s home directory as well, from the code we can see that
Since we had writable permissions over the file and path, I appended my reverse shell code on the bash script
Now using my private ssh keys to connect to the machien through SSH and we can see some weird behaviour
Checking back my netcat listener, I got reverse shell as root
The flag is located at root’s home directory